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Why we decided to donate half of all sales taken this Friday...

Hi everyone,

So you may have seen our Black Friday campaign on Tuesday... i wanted to tell you more about why we wanted to do it and why we feel so passionately about boycotting the traditional Black Friday.

We are going to donate half of all sales taken on this day to buy trees. Half of all sales, not profit. So yes, we will be massively losing money but are lucky to be in a position where we can take this hit and invest in our environment.

We are completely against Black Friday and the way it generates impulsive & often careless consumption, which is why we will not be offering any discounts on this day. Additionally, we don’t ever inflate our prices to be able to discount.

Last year we shut down our website, which I really liked, however I know a lot of people do want to buy on this day and plan to do so, so I needed to find a way to launch a campaign which could turn this day of doom into a positive one.

We have a field on our farm which is not productive in terms of generating food, it’s wet and marshy. Planting a forest in this field would create a great habitat for animals and food source for wildlife, would encourage diverse plant species to grow and would draw moisture out of the surrounding fields which would make them more productive, and most importantly, trees are one of the most effective ways of drawing carbon out of the atmosphere.

All the money will go directly on buying the actual trees, my mum and family will be planting all the trees so no there are no other costs related in the planting and up keep of the forest.

We obviously don’t know how much we will generate, but we plan to do this every year until we have a full Black Friday Forest Field... then we will probably look to other parts of unproductive land on the farm and continue to do the same.

#banblackfriday #antiblackfriday #greenfriday #planttrees #reducecarbon #carelessconsumption


Hey both, thank you for your lovely comments! In response to H on hedgerows.. we’ve already planted up 12,000 trees in all our hedges, and banked them etc so they are in tip top shape!

It is such a balance, along the bottom of the field lies a stream with a woodland surrounding it, so we really wanted to expand the woodland from what is already there, we have put in wetland the other side of the stream so alltogether it should create a great habitat for wildlife and nature, along with also working with the soil to dry up areas which can then be used for gentle agriculture. X

Daisy snow on April 01, 2020

Gp for it! A tree planted field sounds great buy why not improve hedgerows ? Kidos for beong against mindless consumption encouraged by black friday . Id support Green Friday and mindful purchases which aid those I buy from

h on April 01, 2020

This sounds like a wonderful plan and I very much admire your business model and ethics. Just one thought, perhaps carry out an audit of what wildlife is using the field already and what native plant life may regenerate if left unplanted? It’s such a delicate balance and wild wet areas may be needed as much as trees. Not a criticism at all, I’m just pondering over the effects of mass plantings myself in choosing programs to support.

Annie Rhodes on December 08, 2019

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