What better way to welcome spring than by dowsing your friends – and complete strangers! – with coloured powder and water? That’s exactly what happens during Holi, a spring festival traditionally celebrated in India and Nepal, but now a worldwide phenomenon. The Festival of Colours, and its main purpose is to celebrate the beginning of spring and rejoice in the bright colours of a new season as well as encourage unity, forgiveness and general happiness.
Holi takes place on the last full moon of the lunar month Phalguna (February/March), and the traditions of Holi are as diverse as the colours of spring. Holi is a brilliant way to liven your spirit and welcome the arrival of spring. Bring a dash of colour to your season with our coloured powder recipe.
(And be warned – things get messy!
What You Will Need
1 cup flour
1/2 cup water (give or take)
Natural food colouring
1) Mix the flour and water in a large bowl until it forms a thick paste.
2) Add your favourite food colouring to the paste and mix it in with your hands. (You may want to wear gloves!)
3) Scoop the paste from the bowl and form it into a ball with your hands.
4) Use a rolling pin to flatten the ball into a disc that is about 1/4 inch thick.
5) Let the disc sit over night, until it has completely dried.
6) Use a coffee grinder to crumble the disc back into powder.

People holding powder paints to celebrate Holi (Festival of Colors) in Ahmedabad, India